The Militant(logo) 
    Vol.60/No.20           May 20, 1996 
Help Sell Pathfinder Books  

For the last few months, socialist workers and young socialists in several countries have systematically stepped up their sales of books and pamphlets produced and distributed by Pathfinder Press, making this a focal point of their work.

Socialists who are in the industrial unions are getting more books by revolutionary fighters and about working-class struggles into their co-workers' hands each month. They have also sold many copies of the resolution that Cuban workers discussed at their national union congress at the end of April. In the process, a small but important layer of workers are being drawn closer to joining the communist movement.

Socialist campaigners are also taking these books to fellow fighters in different struggles - for immigrant rights, in defense of affirmative action, demanding Israeli troops get out of Lebanon, and others. They are beginning to reach out broadly in working- class neighborhoods and on campuses. As they do so, they find those who want to sign up for the U.S.-Cuba Youth Exchange or get involved in other activities.

Now there are two interrelated tools that can advance this effort: the Socialist Workers election campaigns and the drive to win new subscribers to the Militant and Perspectiva Mundial, a Spanish-language socialist monthly.

Speaking at the Young Socialists convention in April, Socialist Workers presidential candidate James Harris explained that the socialist candidates are only ones who urge workers and young fighters to read, think about politics scientifically, and act on that basis. He and vice presidential candidate Laura Garza, together with local and statewide Socialist Workers candidates, are encouraging those they meet to do exactly that.

Each week and month the Militant and Perspectiva Mundial give the facts about the struggles of working people around the world, as well as covering what the socialist campaigners are doing and the ideas they are raising. Selling subscriptions to those who've been buying Pathfinder books will help them understand and act in today's politics. And those who become regular readers of the socialist press will want to get more deeply into political questions through the Marxist magazine New International and Pathfinder books.

The Militant encourages all our readers to join in these efforts. You can contact the nearest Pathfinder bookstore, or send in the coupon on page 3 to get involved with the Socialist Workers election campaigns.  
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