The Militant(logo) 
    Vol.60/No.30           September 2, 1996 
Help Put SWP On The Ballot!  

The socialist movement scored a victory with the completion of petitioning drives to place James Harris and Laura Garza on the ballot in Alabama, Iowa, New York and the District of Columbia.

Fighting to get the socialist ticket on the ballot in every state possible has long been an important political campaign of the communist movement. It is one of the central ways to present a working-class alternative to the reactionary policies of the Democrats and Republicans. It is how many people first get an explanation of the capitalist economic crisis, how to build a movement capable of fighting to defend our class around the world, and why we need a revolutionary struggle for a government of workers and farmers.

Socialists organize ballot access fights in response to reactionary and undemocratic legislation that severely limits the right of working-class parties to appear on the ballot. State governments require most third parties to collect thousands of signatures. In William Clinton's home state of Arkansas the requirement is 21,000; in sparsely populated Kansas, home to Republican nominee Robert Dole, working-class parties need 16,000 signatures to appear on the ballot. The total number of signatures required to get on the ballot in all 50 states is over 750,000.

These signature requirements are just the beginning. Filing fees, voter registration requirements, arcane procedures, and other measures are a feature of these reactionary laws as well.

In fighting to get out their ideas, socialists respond to these obstacles by turning it into an opportunity to reach out in the broadest way possible. Through the ballot drives new members have been won to the Young Socialists, hundreds of revolutionary books and pamphlets distributed by Pathfinder have been sold, along with thousands of copies of the Militant. Campaign supporters have distributed tens of thousands of copies of socialist campaign flyers and statements. Seeking to get on the ballot in as many states as possible is also crucial to a communist organization's fight for legality. Campaign supporters can push forward this effort by volunteering for the next efforts in Rhode Island, Texas, and Vermont.  
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