The Militant(logo) 
    Vol.61/No.38           November 3, 1997 
Scottish independence
In a letter printed in the Militant of October 6, reader Pete Evans, critiques the Communist League's statement of "..full support of Scotland's fight for independence." Evans states that support for independence is "a sharp break from the previous position of Communists on this subject." and then cites, out of context, an irrelevant quote from Leon Trotsky to support his position.

The statement of the Communist League, is simply an expression of the communist movement's traditional position of support to the struggle of oppressed nations for self- determination and independence. What does Evans pose as an alternative strategy, as a substitute for Leninism? This is what our critic proposed as a political course for the Communist League: 1. Support the call for a Scottish Parliament. 2. Carry on an agitation to "warn against the illusions of Scottish nationalism." 3. If in spite of these warnings, the Scots do choose self-determination, to support them in this choice. In other words, Evans stands for the present policy of the British government and the right wing, reformist Labor party that forms the government.

The policy of the Communist League is designed to strengthen working-class unity in a common fight to break up the imperialist state. The policy of the Labor Party, touted as "Communist" by Mr. Evans, is intended to strengthen the unity of the imperialist state. Any English party (and the League is primarily active in England) that engages in propaganda to warn of the alleged dangers of Scottish, Irish or Welsh nationalism, will be correctly perceived as a pro- imperialist party and an enemy of the oppressed peoples. Mr. Evans' policy is one designed to break down working-class unity and to strengthen that imperialist state, known as the United Kingdom.

Roy Inglee

Elsmere, Delaware

Making a difference
I would like to receive a 12-week subscription to the Militant, or however many weeks I can get for $20. I would also like to thank you for truly making a difference.

While the mainstream capitalist media has devolved to being primarily sensationalistic, corporate, and commercial, while at the same time pushing fear and divisiveness, your newspaper provides a much-needed alternative.

I thank you.


Spokane, Washington

Times `objectivity'
Recently, working people here had an opportunity to learn a bit about the class bias and phony "objectivity" of the big- business press. This particular lesson we might call the New York Times school of falsification.

On Oct. 9, the first of only two scheduled debates between the various candidates running for mayor of New York took place. The debate, which was broadcast live over a local cable channel, included the three candidates who will appear on the November ballot: the incumbent, Republican mayor Rudolph Giuliani, the Democrat Ruth Messinger, and Socialist Workers candidate Olga Rodríguez.

The next day's New York Times reported quite a different debate however. It's front page article was headlined: "Sharp Exchange Pepper Debate Between Giuliani and Messinger."

Accompanying this article was a front page photo of the candidates during the debate, but the editors of the Times - whose motto emblazoned on it's front page is "All the News that's Fit to Print" - had deftly cropped the photo to leave out the Socialist Workers candidate Rodríguez, and to reinforce the impression of their headline that only the Republican and Democratic candidates had participated in the debate.

Mike Galati

Brooklyn, New York

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