The Militant(logo) 
    Vol.62/No.1           January 12, 1998 
During the recent regional socialist conference in Birmingham one of the participants drew my attention to a couple of sentences in the article I wrote, "Ask what you can do for your class, not for `your country,'" that appeared in the December 29 Militant. In it I wrote, "But we are no more anti-APEC or anti-NAFTA, than pro-APEC or pro-NAFTA" and "We don't `campaign' for or against the ways the ruling families choose to organize their trade."

Both statements are dead wrong and contradict the rest of the article. Communist workers are opposed to the economic and military pacts, conferences, or organizations that the capitalist ruling families use to extend their domination over exploited workers and oppressed nations, including NAFTA, APEC, the European Union, and NATO. We aren't "pro" these pacts in any way, shape, or form. At the same time, we aren't more "anti" NAFTA than we are "anti" all of the alternative ways of organizing bourgeois trade put forward by its opponents, from liberal Congressman Richard Gephardt to the AFL-CIO officialdom.

Doug Jenness
St. Paul, Minnesota  
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