The Militant(logo) 
    Vol.62/No.13           April 6, 1998 
Pro-Choice Activists Defend Clinic In Boston  

This column is written and edited by the Young Socialists (YS), an international organization of young workers, students, and other youth fighting for socialism. For more information about the YS write to: Young Socialists, 1573 N. Milwaukee, P.O. Box #478, Chicago, Ill. 60622. Tel: (773) 772-0551. Compuserve: 105162,605

BOSTON - Some two dozen pro-choice fighters held a spirited clinic defense March 14. On the second Saturday of every month, the National Organization for Women (NOW) organizes to defend the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic here in Boston. From 8-10 a.m., women's rights fighters gather in front of the building to ensure that women seeking to enter it are not blocked from doing so by opponents of abortion rights. At the same time, antichoice forces mobilize in front of the clinic.

Saint Aidan's, a local Catholic parish, organizes about 150 people to march from their church to the clinic. There they join Operation Rescue and other antiabortion activists who harass and try to intimidate women seeking health services at the clinic on a daily basis. Planned Parenthood operates the clinic where antiabortion terrorist John Salvi killed two workers in December, 1994. The Boston police set up barricades on the sidewalk that separate the two sides, and patrol the area. This month a police-wagon was stationed outside of the clinic as well.

Usually the monthly actions are small; last month there were only seven people.

This month was different. The Young Socialists here in Boston helped build the action and organized several young people to go to it who have been involved in other activities with the YS, like plant gate sales of the Militant, Militant Labor Forums and classes on New International no. 7 featuring the article: "The Opening Guns of World War III: Washington's Assault Against Iraq." Six youth who participated in the clinic defense had never done anything like it before.

Jen Richardson, a high school student, carried a sign that read: "Honk if Pro-Choice." This got a great response, and helped to incorporate others into the demonstration, while illustrating the isolation of the antiabortion forces. Each honk drew cheers and raised fists from the defenders.

Two of the most popular chants were: "Racist, sexist, antigay, born-again bigots, go away!" and "Hey, hey, woman- haters, women are not incubators!" The pro-choice mobilization got so excited that some jumped up and down with their signs, dancing inside the police barricades. Chants had to be made up throughout the morning to reflect the growing energy level of the demonstrators. Two of these were: "You can bomb and you can pray, but abortion rights are here to stay!" and "Operation Rescue, can't you see? You're on the wrong side of history!"

The antichoice demonstrators had more people than the pro- choice, but they were completely drowned out for the entire two hours, and left to a chorus of: "Operation Rescue, one thing's clear: if you show up, we'll be here!"

One young man, 16, who had doubts about whether he thought women should have the right to choose, went to the clinic defense and lost his voice from chanting down the antiabortion protesters. "My whole view about abortion completely changed after being out there," he said hoarsely. As the action was ending he went up to everyone and encouraged them all to bring everyone they knew to defend the clinic: "Let's go for a hundred people next month!"

From the clinic defense, members of the Young Socialists and others went out to set up Pathfinder book tables and to sell the Militant. Six people signed up for more information on the YS at the table. Then, in the afternoon, the YS organized a class on "The Opening Guns of World War III," where five of the young people from the clinic defense participated in a discussion on the motivations behind the U.S. drive towards war against Iraq. Bill Sullivan, who has attended two classes on the New International magazine, said afterward that he was really glad that he came to the clinic defense early that morning. "I only got three hours of sleep, but that was definitely worth waking up early for."

Elena Tate is a high school student and member of the Young Socialists.

YS member Gaetan Whiston, left, talks socialism with high school students in Minneapolis in February. Many YS chapters have taken goals to sell Militant and Perspectiva Mundial subscriptions and Pathfinder books in the current drive.  
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