The Militant(logo) 
    Vol.62/No.43           November 30, 1998 
Youth protest cop attack on D.C. concert  

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Nearly two dozen people, most of them high school students, rallied against cop brutality at the police headquarters here October 30. The protest followed an attack by police on a benefit concert October 22, which itself was a protest against police brutality.

Nick Kirby, a high school senior who was at the concert, described what happened at a Militant Labor Forum November 7. "A couple of bands had played and there had been two speakers. One explained how her son had been shot to death by the police. Another talked about how the police harass people on the Mexican border."

"The police claimed that alcohol was being served, but the bar was closed," Kirby said. "As we came out of the club the police were pushing and shoving us, that was when my friend Danny was arrested. I went over to tell him that Íd seen what happened to him and to get the officers' names. They said `Get him too,' and I was arrested."

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