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    Vol.63/No.15           April 19, 1999 
Chicago Strikers Back Tazewell Workers  

PEKIN, Illinois - Some 75 people participated in an expanded picket line against Tazewell Machine Works April 5, marking the six-month anniversary of the strike by United Auto Workers members. Tazewell makes parts for Caterpillar.

Virtually every person on the picket line was wearing red ribbons pinned to their shirts or hats. A number of workers explained why. Several weeks before, a cop had harassed the one strike supporter on the picket line who was Black. After strikers and others stepped in and forced the cop to back off, and even apologize, the cop defended his racist attack by saying that at the time, he could see neither black nor white but only red. In response, all pickets now wear the red ribbons.

Among supporters at the rally were 11 United Steelworkers of America (USWA) members from Chicago who are currently on strike against Tool and Engineering Co. Gene Preston, a worker on strike against Tazewell, commented on the importance of solidarity from other fighters in the labor movement. He said, "Our strike is known all over the state, from Cicero, Illinois, and Chicago to central Illinois." Miners and other unionists from central Illinois have also supported their strike.

Frank Washington, a striker at Tool and Engineering, pointed out the large number of people who honked in solidarity. He said, "It's important they see a strike like this, supported by all these people."

Joshua Carroll is a member of the USWA.  
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