The Militant(logo) 
    Vol.63/No.23           June 14, 1999 
Party Building Fund Gains Momentum  

NEW YORK - Supporters of the Socialist Workers 1999 Party- Building Fund, for the past two weeks, have gotten on a rhythm, mailing in payments in the range that would surpass the goal in eight weeks. This week money came in from every city on the scoreboard totaling $11,686. With only two weeks remaining in the drive, however, fund organizers in every city need to turn up the heat to collect on all pledges. Collections of $18,500 a week will be necessary to reach the $75,000 goal by June 15.

The fund meetings have definitely provided the boosts needed in several cities. Boston supporters held a May 29 meeting featuring Mary Martin, an airline worker from Washington, D.C., who gave an eyewitness report on the shipyard strike in Newport News, Virginia. Supporters were able to win new contributors to the fund at the meeting and took in $1,350 toward there goal. In Seattle, where Argiris Malapanis spoke on Yugoslavia, nearly $800 in contributions were collected - including $250 in new pledges. (These collections will be counted in next week's scoreboard.)

Supporters in many cities have planned fund meetings for the next two weekends. Fund supporters in Detroit and Pittsburgh are planning to get people to attend a June 12 meeting featuring Argiris Malapanis in Cleveland, Ohio. Malapanis will also be speaking in Washington, D.C. at a meeting following the June 5 action against the bombing of Yugoslavia taking place at the Pentagon.

Mary-Alice Waters and Martin Koppel, reporters for the Militant who recently returned from participating in activities celebrating the 40th anniversary of the May 17, 1959 agrarian reform in Cuba, will be speaking at fund events as well (see ad at right). These meetings can attract fighting workers, farmers, and youth who are looking for answers to the crisis of capitalism today - many of whom will appreciate the opportunity to contribute to a fund that helps finance the activities of the SWP.

Contributions can be sent to 410 West Street, New York, NY 10014. Please make checks and money orders payable to Socialist Workers Party.

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