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Vol.63/No.34       October 4, 1999  
15 Steelworkers on strike against Titan are arrested in Mississippi, appeal for support  
BIRMINGHAM, Alabama –- Titan Tire strikers in Natchez, Mississippi, continue to be arrested and charged with trespass, in the aftermath of a successful September 11 rally and march that marked the one-year anniversary of their walkout. The strikers are members of United Steelworkers of America (USWA) Local 303L.

The anniversary event was attended by 300 strikers and supporters, many of whom were steelworkers on strike at Continental General Tire in Charlotte, North Carolina; Kaiser Aluminum in Gramercy, Louisiana; and Titan Tire's plant in Des Moines, Iowa. At one point during the march, which went from the union hall to the Titan plant a block away, several hundred workers went through an unlocked gate and into the plant for a few minutes. When security guards and local police scurried to the scene and asked them to leave, everyone did so promptly. The impromtu action was completely peaceful.

Arrests began a few days later. By September 19, about 15 strikers had been arrested, explained Titan striker Willie Evans in a telephone interview. Evans – one of those arrested — has played a leading role in Local 303L's outreach and solidarity activities over the past year. Others arrested include Local 303L's president and vice-president, Leo Bradley and Harry Gaylor. Natchez police say more arrests may be pending.

"They served papers on us, and we went down to the police station, got fingerprinted, and had mug shots taken. Now we're out, but we have to report to court on September 27," Evans said. "These arrests are in retaliation against us, to strike back at the union for our actions at the rally, and also for our long period of struggle against the company for its illegal practices. They're trying to intimidate us, to put out our fire."

"September 27 is a crucial time for us," Evans added. "We want everyone to come to our aid that day, to come to Natchez and see what kind of justice we're going to get. We didn't do anything illegal."

The maximum penalty in the trespass charge is six months in prison and a $500 fine. Those arrested had to post a $634 bond.

Susan LaMont is a member of the USWA in Fairfield, Alabama.  
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