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Vol.63/No.45      December 20, 1999 
Black Farmers and Agriculturists call December 13 protest in D.C. 
WASHINGTON, D.C.—A December 13 "Call for Justice" demonstration here has been called by the Black Farmers and Agriculturists Association (BFAA) to protest violations of the March 1999 consent decree settlement that is supposed to award damages to farmers who have suffered racist discrimination by the government.

The decree was a result of a class-action suit brought by thousands of farmers against systematic discrimination in loans and other policies at the hands of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

A leaflet calling the demonstration points out that few farmers have received the cash settlements they were awarded, and new incidents of discrimination have occurred even after the consent decree was signed.

"The reson for the rally is that Black farmers are still being denied justice because of the ineffective implementation of the consent decree," said Gary Grant, president of the BFAA. "Over 40 percent of applications processed have been turned down."

The demonstration will take place at either Lafayette Park across from the White House or at the steps of the U.S. Capital at 10:00 a.m. It will be followed by a meeting of supporters of the farmers' fight inside the capital in the House Agriculture Committee room. For information on the protest site, housing, and other details call the BFAA at 252-826-2800.

Meanwhile, the fight of farmers in this country who are being pushed off the land—not only through racist discrimination but also through the normal workings of capitalism—recently received new impetus. Native American farmers and tobacco farmers recently announced plans to launch their own class-action suits to protest attacks on their means of livelihood and land ownership by the USDA.  
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