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Vol.64/No.4      January 31, 2000 
Battle on Charleston waterfront  
As we go to press . . .  
Some 600 cops decked in riot gear attacked members of the International Longshoremen's Association on the Charleston, South Carolina, waterfront January 20.

An equal number of dock workers had marched to the waterfront to protest use of nonunion labor by Nordana, a Danish shipping firm.

According to the Charleston Post and Courier, "The entrance to the downtown shipping terminal was lined with police wearing riot helmets and carrying wooden clubs. Armored cars were seen driving through the terminal gates." The cops used dogs against the unionists and hit one with a car. A photo on the newspaper's web site shows police chasing down workers with clubs in the air.

The workers hurled rocks, bricks, and other objects at the police. The dock workers had been holding informational picket lines since December. The night before the cops' assault, two picketers were confronted by 100 Charleston police and state troopers.  
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