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Vol.64/No.4      January 31, 2000 
Iowa Teamsters: 'There's never been a better time to strike'  
DES MOINES, Iowa—Some 100 members of the Teamsters union on strike at the Smurfit Stone Container Corp. staged a spirited mass picket here, turning away at least a couple of potential strikebreakers and receiving many honks of support from passersby.

Some 190 of about 250 workers at the plant struck December 30. Workers voted down the company's proposed contract 147-19 and then authorized a strike by a 162-1 vote, said Lonnie Matticks, a truck driver with 14 years at the company and a member of the negotiating committee.

According to Robert Cox, a machine operator, the pay raise the company is offering does not cover the rise in the cost of insurance payments. Many workers, whose average pay is less than $10 per hour, are forced to work overtime every Saturday and up to four hours a day during the week, he said.

The plant produces bags for feed grains, flour, and other products. "We can't survive with what they give us," said Art Alcantar, an ink blender with 30 years at the plant. "If we go back to work, I'll probably die in there because I can't afford to retire."

Picketers have been on duty around the clock, including New Years Eve. While most have never been on strike, at least a dozen workers have. They are members of the Steelworkers union who have been on strike for more than 19 months against Titan Tire in Des Moines.

The Titan workers have been a valuable source of helpful advice and solidarity, said Matticks.

"There's too many people here that work paycheck to paycheck," said Donna Royse, a resin helper with more than 13 years at the plant. "People were scared before, but now they're tired of it. If we don't stand up for what we believe in now, we might as well forget about it." A number of workers standing nearby nodded their heads and chimed in, "It's a new time."

Unemployment is down and "there's never been a better time to strike," said Matticks.  
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