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Vol.64/No.11      March 20, 2000 
Firefighters protest government threats  
LONDON--"Ritchie, Ritchie, Ritchie--Out, Out, Out," chanted 100 firefighters who carried a sea of placards reading, "Support the Homerton 11," as the local council met in the Southwark town hall.

The members of the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) rallied February 29 to back the fight of the Homerton 11, firefighters from the London borough of Hackney facing disciplinary action for supporting the union's ban on working overtime.

"Ritchie" is Tony Ritchie, the chair of the London Fire and Civil Defense Authority, a Southwark Councilor, and prominent member of the fire service employers on a National Joint Council with the FBU.

FBU member Nigel Bulmer said Ritchie has presided over huge cutbacks in the London fire service, slashing 1,200 jobs. According to Matt Wrack, FBU group secretary in East London, the attack on the Homerton firefighters is an attempt to reverse union policy of not working prearranged overtime and not coming in to cover shifts. These gains were won nearly 25 years ago in a national strike. If the outcome of the tribunal hearing on the Homerton 11 is not satisfactory, said Wrack, a ballot for strike action may take place.

At an earlier rally, Andy Gilchrist, a national officer of FBU, said that the assault was a "well thought out and cynical attempt to break the union's overtime ban," and "part of a general attack on pay and conditions." At the Southwark rally FBU executive council member Mick Shaw warned, "If they want to make a name for themselves by taking on our 11 members, they will have a major fight on their hands." A national FBU demonstration is planned March 10.

Phil Waterhouse is a member of the National Union of Rail, Maritime, and Transport Workers. Rose Knight, a member of the RMT, contributed to this article.  
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