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   Vol.64/No.28            July 17, 2000 
The Great Society
Maybe they can patent such a novel idea--The state of New Hampshire plans to slice its budget by $20 million from the Health and Human Services budget, in good part by a hiring freeze. The plan, an official said, is not to trim services, but to make employees work harder.

Have to put them somewhere-- "The [British] Ministry of Defense is planning to cut up and store the radioactive sections of decommissioned nuclear submarines on land after running out of dockyard space for them."--The Times, London.

Do they sharpen their teeth?--California's Vest-A-Dog Foundation donated five bullet-proof vests for police dogs in Tucson, Arizona.

At union scale or in chains?--City officials in Washington, D.C., urged citizens to report potholes and rapidly developed a backlog of 2,000. They're talking about using folks on welfare to do the work.

A few more 'bad apples'--In the United Kingdom, an elite anti-violence police squad had to be disbanded for car-jacking, theft, torture and killings. Many "suspects" were brought into court on stretchers.

We thought pizza was getting pricey--Ginza Sushi-ko is said to be the most exclusive, and expensive, restaurant in Los Angeles. Dinner is $250 per person, or more. Reservations required. Granted it's expensive, writes an L.A. Times reviewer, but it's worth cashing in your tech stock to eat there.

Sushi, everyone?--"California is a state of tenants. Almost half of us rent. The proportion is higher in major urban areas: 61 percent rent in the city of Los Angeles. These are working people.... The child-care workers, bank tellers, janitors and cooks in our communities earn $7 to $9 an hour, or $14,000 to $18,000 annually. These folks may never buy a home but in the meantime they have trouble even paying the rent."--A Los Angeles Times op-ed article.

Thought for the week--"Every time a miner retires, they replace him or her with a bigger shovel."--Robert Wayman, striking Wyoming coal miner. The Militant, June 23.  
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