The Militant (logo) 
   Vol.64/No.40            October 23, 2000 
You are invited to
Socialist Workers Election Campaign Rally
James Harris for U.S. president
Margaret Trowe for vice president
New York, Sunday, November 5
Call: (212) 695-1809 for more information
March for Peace in Support of Vieques, Puerto Rico
Manhattan, New York
Sat., Oct. 21, 12:00 noon. From Columbus Circle (59th St. entrance to Central Park) to USS Intrepid Naval Museum on the West Side Highway (46th St.). For more information, e-mail: ViequesAlliance1021, Voice mail: (212) 591-1103. Also see web page at http://www.
International march and rally to oppose poverty and violence against women
Manhattan, New York Tues., Oct. 17, 11:00 a.m. At the United Nations--assemble Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza. Contact NOW–NYC Tel.: (212) 627-9895.
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