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   Vol.64/No.41            October 30, 2000 
Harris meets fighter for justice
STOCKHOLM, Sweden--At his reception here James Harris met Adonis Hocheimy, who is paralyzed from the waist down after being beaten and nearly killed by two subway security guards. He told Harris how the guards beat him with a baton and dragged him up some stairs, in the process breaking his neck.

Hocheimy's "crime" was allegedly that of neglecting to pay the subway fare. In a series of similar attacks, he explained, few guards have been charged, and none have been convicted.

Public outrage forced the high prosecutor in Stockholm to reopen the case after an initial refusal to charge the perpetrators. On July 18 he stated his finding that Adonis caused the injury "by throwing himself to the ground."

Around 250 people joined a protest in the center of Stockholm on the case. Speakers condemned the beating, and raised the issue of racism. Hocheimy is Black.

Hocheimy told Harris that many workers and others in Stockholm are convinced that a terrible crime has been committed.

On the other hand, he said, right wing forces are also reacting--including by posting a petition backing the guards on the Internet.

"I can't hide, I have to fight," said Adonis to the Socialist Workers candidate. "Many have been beaten, and the cases are always dropped."

"Yes, and there is a change. More people are beginning to fight. And many are interested in hearing about other cases in the world," said Harris, pledging to build support for Hocheimy's fight for justice.  
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