The Militant (logo) 
   Vol.64/No.45            November 27, 2000 
Fight for black lung benefits
I’m writing to express my feelings about federal black lung benefits. When you open your case, the battle has just begun because the Department of Labor will do whatever it can to knock you out of your benefits.

Their attorneys will send you to their doctors, who will give you nothing. That is why they send you to them. I think this matter is very wrong and dishonest. Everyone knows that no doctor knows you better than your family physician, who you see regularly.

These doctors don’t know your previous work history. Nevertheless if you do happen to win black lung benefits, the appeals board will step in and appeal the decision. In my opinion this is wrong because it just costs more money that should go towards funding coal miners’ benefits.

The reason I feel this way is because three days before the hearing on my black lung case, the Department of Labor called and requested that I go to their doctor. But just luckily I had a letter saying that all medical reports on my condition must be in 20 days before the hearing.

I think the system stinks, because our coal miners are the backbone of our country. I think some of our lawmakers should wake up and go into the coalfields where the coal dust really exists, and not just look at some picture in a book Then they should think twice about making the laws, because you don’t breathe in coal dust from a picture in a book.

I have been in several homes where an old coal miner has to sit up in his bed to breathe and still can’t get his benefits. I think this is a shame. After laboring so many hard years underground to support his family, he now has to suffer the rest of his life. He should receive his black lung benefits.

I hope some of our leaders can do something to help our coal miners.

Den Hunter
Harold, Kentucky
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