The Militant (logo) 
   Vol.64/No.45            November 27, 2000 
‘PM’ back issues available on website, the website for the Spanish-language socialist monthly magazine Perspectiva Mundial, has now added links to its back issues. Readers will find that in addition to the current November edition, they can click on "previous issues" and access all the articles for the September and October issues.

Since Perspectiva Mundial went on line in September, a growing number of readers of the socialist magazine around the world have begun to use the website for rapid and easy access to it. The site is particularly appreciated by readers in countries where mailed subscriptions can take a couple or even several weeks to arrive.

In Cuba, for example, where Perspectiva Mundial has a number of dedicated readers, some have inquired about upgrading the website to make it possible to read all the issues published. Because of obstacles created by the U.S. embargo on Cuba, mail from the United States to Cuba often takes several weeks.

One reader recently inquired about a talk on "Washington’s cold war against Cuba: a historical perspective," given by Mary-Alice Waters, president of Pathfinder Press and editor of New International magazine, to a September 23 community forum at Yale University. PM translated and ran the entire talk.

Additional volunteers are needed to maintain this website on a monthly basis. Those interested in volunteering can contact Perspectiva Mundial by e-mail at  
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