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    Vol.65/No.6           February 12, 2001 
Steelworkers picket Co-Steel
in Canada
Photo - see caption below
Members of United Steelworkers of America Local 6571 on the picket line January 20 in Whitby, Ontario, Canada. Co-Steel Lasco bosses locked out the 460 workers on December 18. The union contract expired last August. "They want us to return to working conditions we had 15 years ago, but it isn't going to happen," said striker John Brine. The workers have rejected concession demands that include contracting out of union jobs, work scheduling, and seniority rights. The bosses claim the concessions are needed for the plant, which produces structural steel from scrap, to compete in the world market. Co-Steel Lasco also has three plants in the United States, described by the strikers as nonunion. The company has threatened to close the plant or to operate it with management or scabs.
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