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   Vol.65/No.19            May 14, 2001 

Cincinnati events

Your article on the crisis in Cincinnati is the best onsite report I have read so far. There is a complete news blackout both in the press and on the web. As always you get us the news and you tell it from the best class perspective. Please keep up the excellent work and if there is anything I can do to help here locally where I live to get out the news please let me know.

Tom Siblo
Kingston, New York

Renewing contact

I purchased U.S. Imperialism Has Lost The Cold War and I agree with much but not all of it. I'm definitely in solidarity with the Cuban Revolution and agree with your position on Cuba. So, I'd really like to go on the U.S./Cuba youth exchange and try to get others to go also. I'm a 26-year-old worker-unionist in Iowa.

I'll resubscribe to the Militant when I'm in contact with members of the Socialist Workers Party who I can discuss the paper with.

Drew Chebuhar
Iowa City, Iowa

Welfare Reform Act

Be advised there is a growing movement afoot to call public attention to the debilitating plight of the poor and homeless in America, and to help unite and mobilize welfare recipients into a cohesive political force to repeal the 1996 Welfare Reform Act that will push thousands off the rolls with no alternative means of survival.

Two social activists are on a walk across the country to build mass support for a moratorium on the Welfare Reform Act. That has a five-year limit of access to public assistance of any kind that will terminate in August in which millions are going to have to fend for themselves with no further consideration.

Certainly this political consciousness-raising movement deserves support because it will not only give the poor and welfare recipients the opportunity to network and coalesce. But more importantly it will provide the organizational power to fight back against the forces that threaten their constitutional rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

Shakir Muhammad
Alexandria, Virginia

Read until it falls apart

Please change my address as indicated so I can continue to receive your paper. I truly love the Militant and so do all my friends who read it. It is passed along until it literally falls apart. Keep up the good work.

A prisoner
Morgan, Georgia

Assist in your task

I would like to help you in your task of informing the American people about the social struggle going on in the world. Since I am Mexican and live in Mexico City, I have access to a lot of information that might be harder for you to get. I am a political science student and am interested in being a correspondent.

I want you to know that you can count on me and that in me you have an ally for anything that is for the rebel youth.

Mexico City, Mexico

Interested in Marxism

We are a student organization that is active in some of the major universities in Mexico. The Student Committee in Defense of Public Education (CEDEP) is particularly interested in learning more about Marxist literature, since access to that kind of literature is very restricted. With that in mind we have decided to contact a publishing house that could offer us a way to have access to these publications. We look forward to a favorable reply. Militant greetings.

by e-mail

The letters column is an open forum for all viewpoints on subjects of interest to working people.

Please keep your letters brief. Where necessary they will be abridged. Please indicate if you prefer that your initials be used rather than your full name.

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