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   Vol.65/No.38            October 8, 2001 
Montreal mayoral candidate campaigns for socialism
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MONTREAL--"The offensive that is being prepared by Washington, Ottawa, Paris, and the other imperialist powers against our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan is only an extension of the offensive that the capitalists are conducting against us here--against our living and working conditions, against our democratic rights and by increased poverty and police brutality," declared Al Cappe at an September 23 assembly here of 1,000 people at the end of a demonstration "against war and racism."

Cappe is the Communist League candidate for mayor of Montreal in the November 4 elections. He is a meat packer and a member of the United Food and Commercial Workers union. The same evening the television station CFCF 12 presented a short extract of an interview with him as part of a report on the demonstration.

The previous evening Cappe had officially launched his campaign at a Militant Labor Forum attended by some 20 workers and young people. In his presentation the communist candidate explained that his campaign had really started several weeks earlier, against the brutal military assault prepared by Israel against the Palestinian population of the occupied territories.

His supporters gathered close to 400 signatures, almost double the 200 required by law to be on the ballot, in the workers' district of Villeray--St-Michel. In addition to distributing the Militant and books from Pathfinder Press at literature tables, at plant gates, and on campuses, supporters translated into French and distributed hundreds of examples of the September 11 statement by Martín Koppel, the socialist candidate for the mayor of New York, on the imperialist war drive and assault on workers rights being prepared by Washington in response to the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

Cappe's campaign aroused a real interest among co-workers. Two bought copies of "The Opening Guns of World War III" published in New International magazine which describes the campaign waged by the international communist movement against imperialism and its war against Iraq a decade ago. One subsequently attended a Militant Labor Forum.

In the September 22 forum, Cappe explained the involvement of Canadian imperialism in Washington's war preparations. Since September 11, Ottawa has announced that it will join Washington's military assaults abroad. The government has also substantially increased surveillance operations, searches and arrests by police, and initiated a chauvinist campaign against Arabs and Muslims.  
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