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   Vol.65/No.45            November 26, 2001 
Upgrades made to Pathfinder web press
NEW YORK--Capital Fund contributions are making possible two significant laborsaving upgrades to the four-unit Goss Community press in Pathfinder's print shop. This press is used to print the Militant, Perspectiva Mundial, Pathfinder books and catalogue, and other commercial work.

The web crew worked closely with a technician for two days in the last week of October to install the new computerized Disc Break Tensioning System. The system synchronizes the speed of the four units of the press, an essential step in running jobs with more than one color. The installation included a day of on-the-job training.

Before the installation of the new system, press operators had to pay constant attention to the paper tension to maintain print quality. Manual adjustments were necessary as the paper rolls were consumed and became smaller. The new system does this automatically, allowing the press operators to focus their attention on boosting the print quality, along with training.

The new system enables the printshop to lower costs by cutting down on labor, since two-person crews can now run many jobs, reducing paper waste, and lessening the training time needed to learn tension control. Previously considered one of the hardest things for new trainees to learn, tension control is now the easiest.

In addition, a new Compensating Stacker is scheduled for delivery the third week of November. The stacker automatically jogs the printed product, eliminating the need for a crew member to do this work, called "flying" in the trade, by hand.

Contributions to the Capital Fund help make possible advances such as these and others that are still needed in Pathfinder's printshop. Anyone with $1,000 or more to contribute to this important effort is encouraged to make a pledge. To find out how to contribute, write to the Capital Fund, 410 West St. New York, N.Y. 10014.  
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