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   Vol.65/No.47            December 10, 2001 
Meetings planned to push Pathfinder Fund over the top
"We are aiming to bring the maximum number of people to our fund event, especially the high school students and other youth that have been attracted to the free speech campaign here," reported Mary Ann Schmidt, the local Pathfinder Fund director in Miami.

Heading into the last three weeks of the international $125,000 Pathfinder Fund, supporters are organizing to reach out to win more contributors and to meet their goals by December 15. This includes building a number of fund-raising political meetings over the next two weekends. The events provide workers and youth with an opportunity to discuss developments in the class struggle and the importance of the revolutionary titles produced by Pathfinder today. The lessons contained in these books are all the more important as Washington deepens its aggression against the people of Afghanistan and its assaults on workers' rights at home.

So far, supporters have pledged $102,049 to the fund, leaving a gap of $23,000 to be raised to meet the international target.

Based on initial success in reaching out to a broader layer of potential contributors, supporters in five cities have raised their goals so far. Demonstrating the broad attraction to the books and pamphlets produced by Pathfinder, socialist workers in Western Colorado raised their goal last week to $3,500. They already have obtained $3,400 in pledges, a good example to emulate. "We sent out a mailing appealing for contributions to a broad number of readers and we got back a few nice surprises," said their report.

In Miami, Mary Ann Schmidt reported that socialists working in garment and meatpacking plants there are building their upcoming fund event on the job and approaching co-workers who have read Pathfinder books for contributions. She said that a co-worker who couldn't come to a recent meeting in defense of Michael Italie instead visited the Pathfinder stand at the book fair and took home a subscription to the socialist monthly Perspectiva Mundial.

Supporters in Iowa have been busy organizing their fund event, scheduled for December 2. Their program will feature a panel of fighters from the Des Moines area, including workers, farmers, and revolutionary youth speaking on the importance of reading Pathfinder titles and its impact in their political life.

If you would like to get involved or to make a contribution, contact your nearest Pathfinder bookstore listed on page 12, or send in your check to Pathfinder, 410 West Street, New York, NY 10014.  
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