The Militant (logo) 
    Vol.66/No.5           February 4, 2002 
Workers and immigrants
in New York demand
jobs, legal residency
Photo - see caption below
Photo - see caption below
Above: workers rally in Times Square, New York City, January 16, to demand jobs as promised by employers at the Marriott World Trade Center hotel, which was destroyed on September 11. Below: December 18 meeting in New York at janitors union hall, called to demand legal residency for undocumented workers affected by the events. "Thousands of immigrants have not received assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, social security, or unemployment benefits," said Mexican-born Oscar Rojas, who had worked at the Twin Towers. "We want residency so we can work, travel to our homelands, and visit our loved ones, without fearing to return and lose our lives at the border."
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