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   Vol.66/No.7            February 18, 2002 
Farmers buy Pathfinder at protest
in Greece, discuss political struggles
ATHENS, Greece--Two supporters of Pathfinder set up a literature table at the Tembi Pass in Greece during a protest by farmers (see article page 16). The table contained Greek-language translations of Pathfinder titles as well as several English-language books and the Militant newspaper. The table was set in front of a roadside restaurant not far from the toll booths.

As farmers walked by as they went in for coffee, refreshments, or some food, several stopped and took a look at the books. Six picked up copies of Farmers Face the Crisis of the 1990s by Doug Jenness. One stayed at the table for nearly three-quarters of an hour to talk about questions ranging from the crisis farmers face in Greece, to the resistance of the Palestinian people and the U.S. imperialist war in Central Asia. Another farmer was interested in the example of the Cuban Revolution and picked up a copy of the Greek-language edition of The Second Declaration of Havana.

The next day the team of volunteers visited bookstores in the town of Larissa, the largest city in the Thessaly region. Three bookstores were found that carry a wide range of titles, including political books. One placed an order for 14 Greek-language books and pamphlets that include the articles and documents "Imperialism's March Towards Fascism and War," The Second Declaration of Havana, "1848 To Today: Communism and the Fight for a Popular Revolutionary Government," Farmers Face the Crisis of the 1990s, and The Truth About Yugoslavia: NATO's War against the Working People of Yugoslavia.
Related article:
Farmers in Greece march for debt relief  
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