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   Vol.66/No.14            April 8, 2002 
Warlords of today
About a year ago I read the story of Eugene V. Debs Speaks. What a joy it was to read this article again by our esteemed brother and comrade. This great man and his life continues to refresh and inspire us all today.

He attacked the warlords of his era in 1918 and he inspires us against the warlords of today, who are worse. Let all of us refuse Bush and the capitalist agents' war machine in Afghanistan and refuse their threats against N. Korea, the Philippines, Colombia, Iran, Iraq, and Libya.

To the end Debs vowed to stand up for the IWW (International Workers of the World) and their rights "even if my office is moved to the penitentiary." Praises always for Eugene Debs and for all our socialist strugglers today. We will not give up.

Lloyd Shank
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Why a party?
Why support a party? Aren't socialists against political power in the hands of a few? Why aim for state power rather than abolishing it? Isn't the state a patriarchal institution, based on violence?

Vancouver, British Columbia

See Do workers need a party?

Al-Amin gets life
On February 12 some 150 people attended a forum on the trial of Abdullah Al-Amin (H. Rap Brown), at Howard University in Washington. Al-Amin was arrested two years ago and charged with killing a police officer in a shoot-out in Atlanta.

Edward Brown, Al-Amin's brother, said the police were initially looking for someone who had suffered gunshot wounds in the shoot-out. Al-Amin had no such wounds.

Al-Amin was a leader of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee during the 1960s and later became a leader of the Black Panther Party. He now heads one of the largest Black Muslim groups, the National Ulmmah.

In March, Al-Amin was convicted and given a life sentence with no chance of parole.

Glova Scott
Washington, D.C.

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