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    Vol.66/No.27           July 8, 2002 
Navistar security goon drives
van into strikers, injuring three

Three members of the Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) Local 444 were injured June 24 when a security goon hired by the Navistar International Corporation ran over six of them in a van. The unionists were picketing the plant in Chatham, Ontario, to help 600 members of CAW Local 127 stop the company from breaking their strike with scabs. Don Milner, 37, a skilled trades worker at the Windsor Assembly Plant was in surgery for more than five hours as doctors worked to reconnect his pelvis, repair soft tissue injuries, and control internal bleeding. Following the picket line attack, the company remained closed for the rest of the day. The driver of the van, an employee of London Protection International, has been charged with three counts of dangerous driving causing bodily harm.  
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