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   Vol.66/No.33           September 2, 2002  
Pathfinder Fund pledges
are up to $94,450
Supporters of Pathfinder Press are launching a campaign to raise tens of thousands of dollars this fall. The funds are needed to ensure the publisher can keep producing the books on revolutionary politics that working people need.

Pathfinder is a unique publishing house because it produces--and keeps in print--some 375 books and pamphlets containing the lessons of more than 150 years of struggle by the working-class movement. The newest title will be October 1962: The "Missile" Crisis as Seen from Cuba.

Pathfinder is also unique because it is not funded by the likes of the owners of J.P. Morgan Chase, Mobil Oil, or Bloomberg News. Its pillar of financial backing is working people, youth, and others who value these revolutionary books.

Supporters of Pathfinder are setting fund-raising goals for their areas. As we go to press, local quotas add up to $94,450 and the total is approaching $100,000. Next week the Militant will publish a chart with the goals.

The Pathfinder Fund kicks off September 1 and ends November 15. It will be intertwined with a fall campaign to win subscribers to the Militant and Perspectiva Mundial. These drives will help in campaigning against imperialism and its war drive today, and in presenting a working-class alternative to the consequences of capitalism’s worldwide depression.

To hit the ground running September 1, supporters of the revolutionary publishing program are detailing their plans on who to approach for contributions and how to do so.

The key to success will be to approach the broadest number of people possible. This includes co-workers in garment shops, coal mines, packinghouses, and other workplaces. It includes young people who are just meeting the communist movement and for whom Pathfinder books open up a new world.

Pathfinder stalwarts in several cities have made plans for September public meetings to raise funds. Those in Philadelphia are building a September 7 meeting on the class struggle in South America today and prospects for building the communist movement worldwide. In New York’s Garment District the meeting will highlight Pathfinder’s new book on the 1962 Cuban "missile" crisis.

Contributions to the Fund can be sent to the Militant, 410 West Street, New York, NY 10014, with checks made out to Pathfinder.  
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