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   Vol. 67/No. 11           April 7, 2003  
Solidarity with Tyson strikers
"Failure is not an option." Working people throughout the United States and elsewhere need to adopt this slogan of the strikers at Tyson in Jefferson, Wisconsin. Unionists and other workers, farmers, and youth need to join these United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 538 members to build the broadest possible solidarity with their struggle to prevent massive concessions at this meat processing plant. The company has drawn the battle lines by preparing to bring in more scabs to break the strike.

In joining with these workers to oppose the company’s demand for a two-tier wage system, working people can deal a blow to this time-worn divide-and-conquer scheme of the bosses. Standing up together with these workers and opposing the company’s proposal to increase health-care premiums, eliminate health-care for retirees, cut sick leave and disability benefits strengthens the potential for a fight to defend other hard won gains.

The strikers have organized "Truth Squads" to leaflet and collect donations at Tyson and other plants, starting in the Midwest. These squads should be invited to speak before unions, on campuses, before organizations defending the rights of immigrants, Black rights groups, and elsewhere. The "Truth Squads" are an example of the confidence and capacity of the workers to use their union to reach out to others to conduct an effective fight. They will also be a confirmation of the statement by revolutionary leader Malcolm X that travel broadens your horizons.

The bosses have sent out flyers in English, Spanish, and Chinese in hopes that laid-off immigrant workers, in particular from a Tyson plant in Chicago, will scab on the strike. Immigrant workers, however, increasingly make up a majority in the big meat processing and packing centers. Many are also in the forefront of the fight against the bosses’ offensive on our standard of living. Some are part of a broadening vanguard of workers that resists the attacks by the bosses and their government.

Opponents of the U.S.-led war against the people of Iraq should join in this fight. The same crisis of the profit system that breeds imperialist wars drives Tyson and other employers to deepen their assault on working people at home. Build the March 29 UFCW solidarity rally in Jefferson and join the strikers in their determined struggle to beat back Tyson!
Related articles:
Wisonconsin meat packers win support in strike against food giant Tyson  
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