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   Vol. 67/No. 31           September 15, 2003  
Neither euro nor Swedish krona
The Militant is providing some of its editorial space this week for excerpts from a statement by the Communist League and Young Socialists in Sweden.

The Communist League and the Young Socialists invite working people and youth to join with us campaigning against Stockholm joining the European Monetary Union (EMU). Our campaign seeks to strengthen the resistance of working people to the bosses’ offensive. We say no to the EMU. It is part of an imperialist pact—the European Union. The EU is a bloc of predatory powers in Europe formed not only to compete against their imperialist rivals in the United States and Japan over the division and redivision of the world but above all to maximize their plunder of working people and oppressed nations around the globe.

Nationalistic resistance to the EMU, which has as its starting point the “defense of the Swedish krona” or the “independence of Sweden’s national bank,” is a reactionary obstacle to the line of march of the working class and its allies and makes the labor movement vulnerable to the demagogy of the ultraright. That’s why we vigorously oppose the official “vote no” campaign and similar chauvinist appeals against the EMU. Those in the Swedish ruling class who oppose the adoption of the euro are as much an enemy of the working class as those who campaign for the EMU.

Swedish workers and exploited farmers have interests that are antagonistic to those of the bosses and the entire bourgeoisie—whether Swedish or of other nationalities—and common interests with working people throughout the world. We join with fighting workers and champion the need for independent working-class political action and a program of demands to unify working people in this country and internationally to effectively resist the attacks that the capitalists and their governments in Sweden, the rest of Europe, and the world are carrying out against the toilers.

These attacks are not a policy chosen by the current rulers, but the logical consequence of the normal workings of the capitalist system, which has entered an economic depression worldwide. The employers want to solve that crisis on the backs of working people. They want to make us accept divisions by nationality, age, sex, and skin color that tear the working class apart.

The state of Sweden is one of these imperialist powers. It protects the interests of the Swedish bourgeoisie around the world. The brutal treatment of refugees is only a reflection of the plunder of the countries the immigrant workers come from by Stockholm, London, Paris, Berlin, Washington, and Co.

The Communist League and the Young Socialists campaign against the EMU is part of building a movement of working people, students, and other youth who will be in the front ranks of a revolutionary struggle for a workers and farmers government to take the power out of the hands of the ruling capitalist families in Sweden, overthrow capitalism, and join the worldwide fight for socialism.

We join with the unbreakable fight of the Palestinian people for their land and against Israeli government brutality; with mobilizations of working people across Latin America against the imperialist-imposed social catastrophe unfolding there; and with the people of Cuba, Iran, and north Korea who are standing up to the economic and military threats of Washington.

Campaign with us to demand:

Related articles:
Swedish rulers debate adopting the euro  
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