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   Vol. 67/No. 34           October 6, 2003  
25 and 50 years ago
October 5, 1953
NEW YORK—The kingdom of International Longshoremen’s Union Boss Joseph Ryan looked in a bad way this week as the American Federation of Labor, the state government, the courts and Eisenhower moved in to break the stronghold of Ryan and his henchmen over the longshoremen here and impose their own domination.

After turning a pious face away from the stench of extortion, murder and just plain shakedown of some two decades, the AFL high chiefs looked into the ILA affairs and, under pressure of unsavory publicity, expelled the ILA from the AFL.

The Ryan gang had their difficulties with the ship owners too. The AFL move came in the midst of the union’s contract negotiations and was undoubtedly prompted by the desire to prevent the ILA from getting a legal contract.

Accordingly, for the first time in the memory of longshoremen here, the Ryan gang called a strike against the ship owners who have refused the demands of the union.

The New York longshoremen will not have the kind of union they need and want until they take over and run things on the waterfront themselves.  
October 6, 1978
A major step toward the conclusion of a separate treaty between Israel and Egypt was taken September 28 when the Israeli Knesset (parliament) approved the Camp David summit accords by more than four to one.

During his opening speech to the Knesset September 25, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin could not refrain from boasting that as soon as a treaty with Egypt was concluded, his government would resume building new settlements on the occupied West Bank and would expand existing ones. Begin further promised that there “will be no plebiscite” in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, “and there is and will not be under any conditions or in any circumstances a Palestinian state.”

During an earlier interview with the Wall Street Journal, Begin cynically noted the “possibility we won’t find an agreement” on the issue of sovereignty over the West Bank.

“Then the result will be local autonomy for the Palestinians and our soldiers will be there in Judea and Samaria.”

This is the formula for continued occupation and oppression that is being palmed off by [U.S. president James] Carter and the big-business media as the road to peace.  
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