Miners report that the action is getting broad support, and promises to be larger than one held December 1. The 200 people at that event included a busload of supporters from Salt Lake City.
Jesús Salazar, a leader of the strike at Co-Op, said that February 7 will “show the company we are not alone. We are making an effort to contact unions and members of the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) to be here.”
He noted that the UMWA district office in Price sent out a letter notifying locals in the West of the action. Just this week, the Co-Op miners contacted members of Local 1332 at the McKinley mine in New Mexico. Miners there, who are predominantly members of the Navajo Nation, said that they have been talking about coming to Utah to visit the picket line and February 7 sounds like a good time to do it.
In Craig, Colorado, UMWA members, coal miners, and other working people are planning a caravan to the action, and will bring food and other donations. Over the January 24-25 weekend some 175 people attended a solidarity meeting and dinner and dance in support of the Co-Op miners. (See article on home page.)
The four Co-Op miners who toured the San Francisco Bay Area in mid-January invited union locals they spoke at to come to Huntington for the strike support action. The January 15 meeting of International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 10 voted to send a representative from the local to speak at the rally and to send the local’s drill team.
The strikers said that many others they talked to during the tour wanted to know how to get to Salt Lake and were interested in joining the buses being organized.
Messages of support to the rally can be sent to UMWA District 22, 525 East 100 South, Price, Utah 84501. For more information contact the UMWA District 22 office in Price, Utah, at 435-637-2037. To reserve a seat on the buses coming from Salt Lake, contact Jobs with Justice at 801-606-2074.
Related articles:
Colorado miners’ locals mobilize for Utah strikers
Labor solidarity event boosts union-organizing struggle
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