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   Vol. 68/No. 14           April 13, 2004  
‘Militant’ /‘Perspectiva Mundial’ fund drive
campaigners reach out for contributors
“We’ve begun to get a good response here from subscribers and other people who support the Militant and Perspectiva Mundial,” said Deborah Liatos in San Francisco about the $85,000 fund-raising campaign for the socialist press. Liatos said local campaigners for the international fund have drawn up a list of more than 60 people to phone or visit—“not counting the new readers during the subscription drive.”

The San Francisco partisans of the Militant and Perspectiva Mundial are putting together a special public meeting April 18 to discuss important political questions of interest to working people, raise thousands of dollars, and gain new contributors.

Similar work is going on in other cities in the United States and other countries where supporters of the socialist publications have taken local quotas in the fund campaign, which runs from March 15 to May 10—side-by-side with the international sales drive.

The fund is needed to cover the costs of publishing the two socialist periodicals as well as expanding their circulation. It will also make possible special reporting teams like the ones this year in Cuba, Palestine, and Venezuela.

Like the subscription drive, the fund campaign was launched at the February 29 Grand Opening of the New York Pathfinder book center, Militant and Perspectiva Mundial offices, and national office of the Socialist Workers Party. Nearly 150 people at the meeting pledged or donated some $24,000.

The sales drive has started with a bang as campaigners have hit the streets of working-class communities, plant gates, campuses, and political events.

The same campaigning spirit and detailed organization is needed now for the Militant/Perspectiva Mundial fund drive. As of March 30, local quotas add up to more than the $85,000 goal, but actual collection of payments is only $3,410.

Militant supporters in a number of cities have announced special fund-raising events. Helen Meyers writes from Cleveland that Militant staff writer Paul Pederson will speak there April 17 at a meeting titled, “Resisting the Israeli Regime’s Military Boot—Eyewitness Report.”

On April 30, Perspectiva Mundial editor Martín Koppel will be in Hazelton, Pennsylvania, speaking at a fund-raising meeting titled, “Oppose the Imperialist Offensive Against Working People—Fight for a ‘New Europe’ and a ‘New America.’” Koppel will explain how the “antiterrorist” drive by imperialist Spain is part of the assaults on working people and the oppressed by the ruling employers from Washington to Madrid to Berlin.

In New Zealand, Felicity Coggan, a leader of the Communist League, will speak at meetings in Auckland and Christchurch, drawing on the experience of having been part of an international team of socialist workers at the recent Havana Book Fair.

See fund drive chart
Related article:
Week one: ‘Militant’ drive ahead of pace  
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