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   Vol. 68/No. 36           October 5, 2004  
‘Fahrenheit 9/11’
Thanks for your thorough treatment of Michael Moore’s prowar screed “Fahrenheit 9/11” in the September 14 issue. After viewing Moore’s pro-Kerry, ultranationalist film, it occurred to me that his other “documentaries” suffer from some of the same political problems. His “Bowling for Columbine,” which liberals also love, was really just a two-hour plea for gun control, which is not exactly in the interests of workers. And “Roger and Me” appears to be pro-worker, but it really just portrays workers as helpless victims while conspicuously avoiding a deeper criticism of the capitalist system. Just like Bush, not capitalism, is presented as the problem in “Fahrenheit,” GM, not the entire system, is faulted in “Roger and Me.” So much for the “great champion of the working class,” Michael Moore.

Keep up the good work. More articles on movies and other cultural issues would be great.

Mike Hunt
Minneapolis, Minnesota

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