In the early morning hours of September 11 a brick with burning material was thrown through the window of the SWP center here igniting a fire in the front of the office that could have endangered the lives of families in the apartments upstairs. At about the same time an arsonist set fire to the White House Café, a restaurant and tavern patronized by Blacks in nearby Wilkes-Barre.
Gillian Barker, a professor at Bucknell University in nearby Lewisburg, PA wrote, “While obviously some people in this area feel threatened by the work you do there are others like me who think it is of great importance. I salute your courage and dedication and will be honored to contribute to your rebuilding fund.” Similar expressions of support have come from dozens of unionists, community activists, academicians and others from the northeast Pennsylvania area, nationwide, and from other countries including Australia, New Zealand, and Paraguay.
David Greenleif, a representative of the UNITE-HERE union, and Laurie Klemow of the Jewish Community Center and Greater Hazleton Human Rights Coalition, joined Tim Mailhot, Socialist Workers Party candidate for Congress, on a September 24 delegation to the mayor’s office to deliver the most recent batch of messages of support.
Contributions are arriving daily for the $3,500 rebuilding fund for the campaign office and to replace fire-damaged books. “As of September 26, we have $2,000 in hand,” explained Mailhot. Messages urging steps be taken to rapidly apprehend those responsible for the attack can be sent to Hazleton mayor Louis Barletta, 40 N. Church St., Hazleton, PA 18201, phone: (570) 459-4910; fax: (570) 459-4966. Funds can be sent to 2004 Socialist Workers Campaign, earmarked for rebuilding the campaign office.
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Socialist Workers Party 2004 campaign schedule
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