The Militant (logo)  
   Vol. 69/No. 18           May 9, 2005  
With boost from L.A. book fair,
‘Militant’ sub drive stays on track
In the first three weeks of the drive to win 1,350 new readers to the Militant, 590 people have signed up to subscribe to the socialist weekly.

Supporters of the Militant sent in 177 new subscriptions to the business office in week three, keeping the campaign just ahead of pace.

Partisans of the Militant in Los Angeles sent a whopping 46 new subscriptions in to the Militant, the bulk of them sold at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books. “From start to finish, our stand, prominently featuring the new issues of the New International magazine, and the Militant and Perspectiva Mundial, was filled with people,” wrote Frank Forrestal, a Militant supporter in L.A.

“Some of the top sellers included Che Talks to Young People, Revolution in the Congo, and The Working Class and the Transformation of Learning by Jack Barnes,” Forrestal reported.

“By the end of the two-day festival,” he said, “45 people had bought subscriptions to the Militant. Another 60 people bought single copies of the Militant and Perspectiva Mundial. And a total of 144 books and pamphlets were sold to participants at the book festival.”

In light of their success, supporters of the Militant in Los Angeles raised their quota from 90 to 100 subscriptions.

Click here to see the subscription drive scoreboard

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