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   Vol. 69/No. 41           October 24, 2005  
End imperialist threats against Korea
We use part of our editorial space this week to publish the following message to the Workers’ Party of Korea sent October 7 by Jack Barnes, national secretary of the Socialist Workers Party, and Olympia Newton of the Young Socialists.

On the occasion of the October 10 sixtieth anniversary of the founding of the Workers’ Party of Korea, the Socialist Workers Party and Young Socialists send revolutionary greetings. We affirm our solidarity with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the Korean people’s struggle to restore a united and sovereign Korea, forcibly divided by Washington in 1945.

We oppose Washington’s arrogant and hostile course, under the cover of the so-called six-party talks, to pressure the DPRK to relinquish its right to develop the nuclear technology and facilities needed to power accelerated agricultural and industrial development. The imperialist countries of the United States, Japan, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom—who together produce nearly 70 percent of the world’s total nuclear-supplied electricity—treat with contempt the most basic rights of national sovereignty, as they decree which governments can and which cannot develop particular ways to produce energy. In doing so, these hypocritical imperial regimes have effectively nullified the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty they themselves imposed.

Today, from within the vanguard of the working class, we see a shift in the political situation in the United States, as growing numbers of workers—those already in unions, those seeking to organize unions, and those who simply decide it’s time to fight back or be squeezed to death—resist the grinding consequences of intensifying capitalist competition on their wages, job conditions, and right to medical care and retirement benefits. Together with other workers and farmers, as well as youth attracted to this resistance, these working people are not only looking for effective ways to stop the bosses’ years-long whittling away of standards of life and conditions of work. They are also increasingly open to clear proletarian answers, to communist answers as to why the employer assaults against working people and the labor movement continue to accelerate—not only at home but abroad. Open to the fact that working people can become makers of history, not merely its victims.

The Socialist Workers Party and Young Socialists explain that the spreading depression conditions and expanding wars and war preparations humanity now confronts are an inevitable result of the workings of the world capitalist system. And we point to the ongoing partition imposed on your country as a product of the bloody and rapacious culmination of imperialism’s last major world crisis—concluding in Washington’s strengthened domination of its Allied rivals coming out of World War II.

On the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the founding of the Workers’ Party of Korea, we demand an end to the threats by Washington and other imperialist powers against the DPRK, the withdrawal of U.S. forces and U.S. nuclear arms of any kind from your soil and waters, support for your call for the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, and an end to the use of food and energy as political weapons against the Korean people. We are committed to support the restoration by the Korean people of a united and sovereign country and remain confident Korea will be one!  
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