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   Vol. 70/No. 27           July 24, 2006  
Socialist Workers Party campaign platform
for the mid-term elections in November 2006
The following is the Socialist Workers Party campaign platform for the mid-term elections in November 2006. For a list of the party’s candidates across the United States

It’s Not Who You’re Against, It’s What You’re For
Support the Socialist Workers Campaigns; Vote SWP in 2006

What SWP stands and fights for
Support workers’ struggles to organize trade unions and to use and extend union power to defend themselves and other working people from the bosses’ assaults. Unionize all workers—U.S.- and foreign-born. Fight for legislation to legalize all immigrants now. Workers need a union to enforce safety. Defend the labor movement from the continuing offensive by the employers and their twin parties of capitalism—the Democrats and Republicans. Build a labor party, based on the unions, that fights in the interests of working people.

For the immediate, unconditional withdrawal of U.S. and all “coalition” troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. No to economic sanctions and military threats against Iran! End Washington’s cold war against Cuba! Hands off Venezuela! Eliminate all tariffs on products coming into the United States. Cancel the foreign debt of semicolonial countries. Oppose the drive by Washington and its allies to prevent the nations oppressed by imperialism from developing nuclear power and other sources of energy needed to bring much of humanity out of darkness.

· Amnesty! Immediate and unconditional permanent residency for all the undocumented! Stop workplace raids and deportations! Repeal federal and state laws mandating immigration-document checks by employers.

· For a massive federally funded public works program to put millions to work at union scale. For unemployment benefits at union rate of pay for the duration of joblessness.

· For government-funded, affordable credit for working farmers and price supports to cover production costs. Stop farm foreclosures!

· No cuts in present or future Social Security benefits, Medicaid programs, or workers compensation.

· Socialize health care to provide universal government guaranteed, lifetime medical coverage for everyone in this country.

· Nationalize the energy industry! Affordable power for working people.

· Fight cop brutality. Abolish the death penalty.

· Defend and extend affirmative action in employment, education, and housing.

· Defend a woman’s right to choose! Oppose all restrictions on access to abortion.

· Repeal all laws restricting the civil rights of gays and lesbians.

· Oppose government spying. No to the bipartisan attacks on workers’ rights.

· For independence for Puerto Rico! End U.S. colonial rule! Free all Puerto Rican political prisoners.

The Socialist Workers Party candidates present a working-class alternative to the Democrats, Republicans, and other capitalist parties.

Working people face an unrelenting offensive by the employers, who—driven by the need to reverse the decline in their profit rates—are intensifying speedup, closing plants, slashing jobs, lengthening work hours, eroding job safety, cutting pensions and health-care coverage, and seeking to undermine Social Security and break down working-class solidarity. The imperialist wars abroad and threats against Iran, Syria, and north Korea are an extension of the assaults on the living and job conditions of workers and farmers at home.

The resistance today by working people to these assaults points to the road forward: to rely on our collective power and solidarity and organize independently of the capitalists and their parties to advance the common interests of workers and farmers worldwide. We need to build a revolutionary movement that will lead a fight by working people and their allies to take power out of the hands of the ruling billionaire class, establish a workers and farmers government, and join the worldwide struggle for socialism.

Support the Socialist Workers campaign! Help us petition to get on the ballot. Invite candidates to speak. Contribute to the campaign.
Related articles:
Socialist Workers candidates in Pennsylvania offer
Socialist Workers launch ballot drive in New York
Back Socialist Workers campaigns!
Initial list of Socialist Worker Party candidates in 2006  
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