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   Vol. 70/No. 35           September 18, 2006  
Imperialist hands off Iran!
U.S. hands off Iran! Oppose the attempts by Washington and its allies to impose economic and other sanctions on Tehran! Say no to the U.S.-led drive to prevent Iran and other nations oppressed by imperialism from acquiring the energy sources they need, including nuclear power, for economic and social advances.

These are demands that serve the interests of working people in face of Washington’s latest threat to “make Iran pay” for defying the United Nations Security Council’s ultimatum to stop uranium enrichment.

The U.S.-led campaign against Iran is a by-product of the increasing disorder of world capitalism. The sharpest consequences of this crisis for the imperialist powers are in the Middle East and Central Asia. In response, the U.S. rulers have launched what they call the “long war.” Since 2001 they have toppled governments in Afghanistan and Iraq and are now stepping up threats and pressures against Iran and Syria, as they did during and after the murderous Israeli assault on Lebanon.

Washington’s claims that it is promoting “democracy” and “freedom” in this part of the world are sheer hypocrisy. “Governments accountable to the voters focus on building roads and schools, not weapons of mass destruction,” said U.S. president George Bush in his recent speech to the American Legion. What about the U.S. nuclear and chemical and biological weapons arsenal built and expanded under Democratic and Republican administrations alike?

The U.S. rulers’ goal is to attempt to shift the relationship of forces in the Middle East and Central Asia in favor of imperialism and, in so doing, gain firmer control over resources such as oil. They are trying to do so by taking steps toward toppling the Iranian regime and establishing a government that would be more subservient to Washington, as the shah of Iran was for decades until he was overthrown through a popular revolution in 1979. In the process the U.S. capitalists also aim to deal blows to some of their imperialist allies, who are also their competitors and maintain trade and investments in Iran.

Let’s speak out against the profit-driven war aims of Washington and its allies and defend unconditionally the sovereignty of the affected nations. We should demand: U.S. and all occupation troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan now! No to the threats against Iran and Syria!
Related articles:
U.S. rulers: ‘Iran must pay’ for defying UN Security Council  
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