The Militant (logo) 
    Vol. 70/No. 43           November 13, 2006 
1,000 march in Paris suburb
on anniversary of protests
by youth of African descent
AP Photo/Christian Hartmann
Some 1,000 people took part in a memorial march in Clichy-sous-Bois, a northeastern Paris suburb, October 27. The march was a tribute for two African youths, Traore Bouna, 15, and Zyad Benna, 17, who were electrocuted in a power substation after being chased by police at a checkpoint one year ago. Eleven cops have now been summoned to testify in an ongoing investigation. An angry revolt erupted last year across 300 French cities after the cops were cleared of any wrongdoing in the deaths of the youths. French authorities have deployed 4,000 extra police in response to the most recent protests in several cities. The banner reads “dead for nothing.”


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