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Vol. 70/No. 46        December 4, 2006

Militant Labor Forums

The History of the Chinese in the United States.

A showing of documentary Ancestors in the Americas.
Fri., Dec. 1. Dinner, 6:30 p.m.; program, 7:30 p.m.
Donation: $5 dinner, $5 program.
188 W. Wyoming Ave.
Tel.: (215) 455-2682.

Venezuela, the Cuban Revolution, and the World Today.

Speakers: Argiris Malapanis, Militant editor; Róger Calero, Militant editorial volunteer; Emily Paul, Young Socialists.
Fri., Dec. 1. Dinner, 7 p.m.; program, 8 p.m.
306 W. 37th St., 10th Fl. (use north set of elevators).
Tel.: (212) 629-6649.

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