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Vol. 71/No. 10        March 12, 2007



Women and the Cuban Revolution Today.

Come hear representatives of the Federation of Cuban Women: Alicia González, Ana Milagros Martínez, and Maritzel González.
Sat., March 10, 7:00 p.m. Sponsors (initial list): Casa de las Americas, Cuba Solidarity New York, Freedom Socialist Party/Radical Women, Popular Education Committee to Free the Cuban Five, Socialist Workers Party, Workers World Party, Young Socialists.
MLK auditorium, SEIU Local 1199 Building, 310 W. 43rd St. (between 8th and 9th Ave.).
Tel. (917) 887-8710.

Rally for an Immediate Moratorium to Deportations, Raids, and No More 'No-Match' Letters!
Unconditional Legalization for All!
Bring the Troops Home Now!

Sat., March 10, 12:00 noon. Federal Plaza, corner of Adams and Dearborn.

Presentations of 'Our History Is Still Being Written:
The Story of Three Chinese-Cuban Generals in the Cuban Revolution'


Thurs., March 8, 6:00 p.m.
Speakers include: Awam Amkpa, director of NYU Africana Studies Program; Peter Kwong, Professor of Asian American Studies at Hunter College; Kathleen Lopez, assistant professor of Latin American and Puerto Rican Studies at Lehman College; Lok Siu, associate professor of Anthropology and Asian/Pacific/American Studies at New York University; Mary-Alice Waters, president of Pathfinder Press, interviewed the three generals.
Sponsors include: NYU A/P/A Institute and Program, Museum of Chinese in the Americas, China House, and LUCHA.
New York University Asian/Pacific/American Institute, 41-51 East 11th Street, 7th Floor Gallery.
Please RSVP. Tel. (212) 992-9653;


Sun., March 11, 2:00 p.m.
Speakers include: Prof. David Goodman, deputy vice chancellor, University of Technology Sydney (UTS); Dr. Mabel Lee, University of Sydney; Arthur Gar Lock Chang, respected elder in Sydney Chinese community, member of Chinese Youth League and Chinese Seamen's Union; Dr. Adrian Hearn, research fellow on China-Latin America relations, Institute for International Studies, UTS; Martín Koppel, Pathfinder Press, interviewed Chinese-Cuban generals for book.
Sponsored by UTS Institute for International Studies, Chinese Australian Historical Society of Sydney, and Pathfinder Books.
University of Technology Sydney, Room 430, Level 6, Building 10, entry on Wattle St. off Broadway.
Tel. 9718 9698.

Canada Speaking Tour featuring Armando Choy,
Chinese-Cuban general and an author of the book

Sun., March 11, 2:30 p.m.
Sponsored by Association of Chinese Canadians for Equality and Solidarity Society, Canadian-Cuban Friendship Association, Pathfinder Books, Vancouver and District Labor Council, Vancouver Communities in Solidarity with Cuba, Vancouver Public Library.
Vancouver Public Library Alice MacKay Room, Lower Level, 350 W. Georgia St.
Tel. (604) 324-2671.

Thurs., March 15, 6:30 p.m.
Sponsored by International Studies Institute of Montreal and Pathfinder Books.
Salle DS-R510, Pavillon J-A, De Sève, Université du Québec à Montreal.
For information (514) 987-3667;

Sun., March 18, 2:00 p.m.
Sponsored by Chinese Canadian National Council, Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto Chapter, The Chinese Magazine at University of Toronto, Free the Cuban Five Committee Toronto, Pathfinder Books. Donation: $5.
Medical Science Building Auditorium, University of Toronto, 1 Kings College Circle.
Tel. (416) 417-3475, (647) 292-2557.

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