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Vol. 71/No. 13      April 2, 2007

New Militant Labor Forum
hall opens in Minneapolis
Militant/Diana Newberry
MINNEAPOLIS, March 10—The grand opening of the new Twin Cities Militant Labor Forum hall, where Pathfinder Books and the local headquarters of the Socialist Workers Party and Young Socialists also share space, took place here tonight with a program on “Imperialism’s Spreading Wars and Economic Disorder and the Strengthening of the Working Class.” The new location is more accessible than the previous one in West St. Paul. It is centrally located in a commercial area of Minneapolis. Speakers included Alyson Kennedy (above speaking), a member of the SWP National Committee; Christian Villarreal, one of the volunteers who helped refurbish the new hall; and Kevin Dwire (seated, center), a meat packer in Des Moines, Iowa, who recently returned from a Militant sales and reporting trip to Kansas and Texas.


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