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Vol. 71/No. 14      April 9, 2007

Some immigrant rights groups
call boycott on May Day
WASHINGTON—Representatives of several immigrant rights and other organizations held a press conference here March 15 to announce a national call for demonstrations and an economic boycott on May 1 to demand, “Stop the raids and deportations!” and “Legalization for all immigrants now!”

A statement released by the National May 1 Movement for Worker and Immigrant Rights called for a response to recent immigration police raids against foreign-born workers and pointed to the impact of last year’s mass demonstrations, which were sparked by the Sensenbrenner bill (HR 4437), a measure that would have criminalized undocumented immigrants by making it a felony to live in the United States without proper papers.

It read, “We believe that, like HR 4437 was halted as a result of these demonstrations, only a powerful movement in the streets that financially threatens the powers that be will halt this latest terror against our communities. And we will not stop until we receive full legalization for the 12 million undocumented living in the U.S.”

Speakers at the press conference included representatives of the Los Angeles-based March 25 Coalition, the Centro Sin Fronteras in Chicago, and the International Action Center. Other groups, including Latino Movement USA, have called an immigrant rights rally in Los Angeles for April 7.
Related articles:
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Pennsylvania anti-immigrant law is challenged in court
Wisconsin protesters: ‘No REAL ID!’  
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