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Vol. 71/No. 16      April 23, 2007

Protests in N.Y., L.A.:
‘Free Cuban 5!’
(front page)
NEW YORK, April 7—Chants of “Free the Cuban Five!” and “Hey, hey! Ho, ho! U.S. out of Guantánamo!” reverberated in midtown Manhattan this afternoon as 200 people marched from Bryant Park to Central Park. Protesters demanded an end to Washington’s economic war on Cuba and threats against Venezuela and Bolivia, as well as freedom for five Cuban revolutionaries framed up on espionage and other charges and imprisoned in the United States.

The marchers also called for an end to U.S. colonial rule of Puerto Rico, and freedom for Puerto Rican political prisoners held in U.S. prisons for advocating their country’s independence.

The same day about 50 people held a rally in Los Angeles with the same demands. “The U.S. economic blockade is an attempt to starve the Cuban people into submission,” said Matt Candell, a student at Fordham University in the Bronx, at the march here. “These attacks against Cuba today are a continuation of U.S. foreign policy since 1959.” Candell was referring to the year working people in Cuba overthrew the U.S-backed dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista and opened the road to socialism in the Americas.

Representatives of political organizations and Cuba and Venezuela solidarity groups spoke at the concluding rally, held at the south edge of Central Park by the statues of Cuban national hero José Martí and Venezuelan national hero Simón Bolívar. Sponsors included the Alberto Lovera Bolivarian Circle, ANSWER coalition, Casa de las Americas, Cuba Solidarity New York, ProLibertad Freedom Campaign, Socialist Workers Party, Workers World, and Young Socialists.

A message sent by the Cuban Five—Gerardo Hernández, Fernando González, René González, Antonio Guerrero, and Ramón Labañino—was read at the rally. (For information on their case see “The Cuban 5: Revolutionaries framed-up by Washington” in April 16 Militant.)

“The generosity and solidarity of the North American people towards Cuba, Venezuela, and Bolivia are welcome and appreciated,” said the statement. “Our gratitude goes to all of you who stand in support of the right of our countries, including our sister island of Puerto Rico.”

In a statement read at the rally, Leonard Weinglass, a leading defense attorney for the Cuban Five, said that a panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals has scheduled a hearing on August 20 in Atlanta, as part of their review of the defendants’ appeal of their trial and convictions.
Related articles:
New Zealand: YS members campaign to free Cuban 5  
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