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Vol. 71/No. 38      October 15, 2007

25, 50 and 75 years ago
October 15, 1982
Iranian forces have scored fresh victories in that country’s efforts to end the two-year-old counterrevolutionary war launched by the Saddam Hussein dictatorship in neighboring Iraq.

In the heaviest fighting since July, Iranian troops and volunteers routed Iraqi units from about 90 square miles of Iranian territory in an area along the border between the two countries.

Saddam Hussein’s aim when he sent his troops and armor into Iran in September 1980 had been to topple the regime of Ayatollah Khomeini and weaken the Iranian revolution. Hussein feared the impact that the massive upsurge of the Iranian toilers was having on Iraqi working people. This fear was shared by Washington and other imperialist powers.  
October 14, 1957
Launched Oct. 4 and now circling earth some 560 miles out in space at about 18,000 miles per hour, the Soviet Union’s man-made “moon” represents a stupendous stride in man’s understanding of the world and the universe. But this awesome scientific achievement has been greeted by the Big Business press and leading figures in this country with scarcely concealed chagrin. Indeed, as its full significance sinks in, the reaction of American top circles approaches what might be called “controlled panic.”

Since 1945, when Truman ushered in the atomic age by slaughtering 200,000 Japanese civilians with just two A-bombs, U.S. imperialism has been brandishing its military superiority all over the globe. Now the Soviet Union has actually beaten mighty U.S. capitalism to the punch.  
October 15, 1932
For the second time in less than five years, the former head of the Communist International, Gregory Zinoviev, and the former chairman of the Russian party’s Political Bureau, Leo Kamenev, have been expelled by the ruling faction in the Russian party. From its own internal evidence only one thing is clear: the charges against Zinoviev and Kamenev, as well as the other 22 party members who were expelled along with them, are a typical product of that disloyalty and rudeness for which Lenin stigmatized Stalin and demanded his removal from the post of general party secretary.

Now more than ever before must Lenin’s last counsel to the party be heeded: REMOVE STALIN! Restore the party to itself and to its rights and powers!  
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