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Vol. 71/No. 39      October 22, 2007

Join campaign to free Cuban 5
The just-concluded month of actions in the campaign to free the Cuban Five demonstrates the increased possibilities to win support for their release. Student groups, university departments, and immigrant rights organizations are among those that have joined the effort to free these five Cuban revolutionaries unjustly held in U.S. prisons. Activities on their behalf have been held in numerous U.S. cities and throughout the world.

Word is increasingly getting out about the frame-up of Antonio Guerrero, Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, Fernando González, and René González. These men were gathering information in southern Florida on counterrevolutionary Cuban American groups that have organized violent attacks against Cuba from the United States. In a trial marked by violations of constitutional rights, the five were convicted of “conspiracy to commit espionage,” “conspiracy to act as an unregistered foreign agent,” and, in the case of Hernández, “conspiracy to commit murder.” They were sentenced to draconian prison terms ranging from 15 years to a double life sentence. Their only “crime” is defending the Cuban Revolution from Washington’s unending aggression.

In the nine years they have been in prison, the five have been on the front lines of political and social struggles in the United States. They have refused to have their spirits broken by inhumane treatment behind bars. They pass revolutionary literature around to fellow inmates to study and discuss. They send messages of support to political, union, and social struggles.

Because of their actions, and the dogged efforts of Cuba’s revolutionary leadership, the U.S. government and big-business media have been increasingly unable to maintain their wall of silence on the case. As they learn the facts, many working people and youth identify with the Cuban Five. The frame-up methods used against them are typical of the capitalist “justice” meted out to millions of ordinary people in the United States.

This is the time to build on the success of the past month’s activities to win freedom for the Cuban Five. An international conference will take place in Toronto in November. A conference is being organized in New York, and other plans are under way. Get involved! Reach out to political groups, students, coworkers, and others. Organize activities to get out the facts about the case. That is the best way to build this campaign and demand “Free the Cuban Five!”
Related articles:
Nat’l Latino congress backs freedom for Cuban 5
Atlanta campus meeting wins support for Cuban 5
N.Y. event celebrates legacy of Che Guevara
Int’l conference on Cuban 5 to be held in Toronto in November  
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