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Vol. 71/No. 39      October 22, 2007

Pathfinder well received at Paris festival
Militant/Mark Gamar
PARIS—Pathfinder volunteers from Belgium, France, Greece, and the United Kingdom sold 187 books and pamphlets at the Fête de l’Humanité here September 14-16. The Fête is an annual festival organized by the daily newspaper of the French Communist Party. The team sold 36 copies of Socialism and Man by Che Guevara in French, 46 pamphlets by the West African revolutionary leader Thomas Sankara, and 14 copies of Nouvelle International no. 7, which includes the French translation of “Capitalism’s Long Hot Winter Has Begun” by Jack Barnes. They also pre-sold 9 advance copies of the expanded French edition of Thomas Sankara Speaks, published just after the Fête.


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