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Vol. 71/No. 40      October 29, 2007

Help turn around fund drive
(front page)
WASHINGTON—Supporters of the socialist press in Los Angeles collected $3,514 at a successful Militant Fund event there, reports Wendy Lyons. Militant editorial volunteer Cindy Jaquith was the featured speaker at the well-attended October 13 meeting titled “ U.S. Hands Off Iran! Why Working People Should Oppose Sanctions and U.S. Military Threats; What is the Road Forward for Working People in Iran.

Pedro Albarrán, a meatpacker and union fighter active in defending workers’ rights on the job, gave the fund appeal at the meeting. Explaining why people should support the Militant, Albarrán said, “I’ve been reading the Militant and learning about different cultures and countries. I didn’t know how many people were fighting for more rights.”

“I have learned a lot. If we’re going to fight, we have to show the foreman and the company that we’re together. Nobody is going to give us a better life. We have to fight for it. We don’t have advertising in the Militant. We all have to donate money to it to keep it going,” Albarrán said.

Militant supporters contributed a bountiful feast of Middle Eastern and other dishes for the dinner before the program.

The example of Militant supporters in Los Angeles is a good one to emulate. That is especially true as we head into the third week of the $100,000 fund drive substantially behind. We need to have collected $25,000.

Contributions from readers makes it possible for the Militant to cover important struggles by working people, from the protests against anti-immigrant measures in Virginia (see front-page article) to battles to organize unions, for safe working conditions, and against police brutality.

To make a contribution, please contact a local distributor listed on page 8 or send your check, payable to the Militant, to the address listed on page 2.

Click here to see the fund drive chart

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