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Vol. 72/No. 16      April 21, 2008

Cuban revolutionary leader
speaks in Mexico
Militant/Tom Baumann

MONTERREY, Mexico, April 8—Nearly 200 students and faculty attended a meeting here April 8 to hear Armando Hart, a historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, speak on “Karl Marx and José Martí: Roots of the Cuban Revolution,” held at the School of Philosophy and Arts of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León.

From left to right: Martín Koppel; a writer for the Militant and Pathfinder Press editor; Eulogio Rodríguez, Cuban consul in Monterrey; Jorge Cuéllar, president of the José Martí Cultural Society in Monterrey; Armando Hart; José Reséndiz, director of the School of Philosophy and Arts; Eloísa Carreras; and Raúl Rojas.

Koppel presented the Pathfinder edition of Hart’s book Aldabonazo: Inside the Cuban Revolutionary Underground, 1952-58. Cuban researcher Eloísa Carreras and Mexican editor Raúl Rojas presented other titles by Hart recently issued by the Mexican publishing house Plaza y Valdés.

The meeting was part of a week-long speaking tour by Hart in Monterrey and Zacatecas, Mexico. Members of the audience purchased dozens of copies of Aldabonazo as well as Hart’s José Martí: Apostól de América (José Martí, Apostle of the Americas), Carreras’s book about Armando Hart, and other titles.


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